Lately, I did not write here a lot as I was occupied with other things.
One was a sort of manual or better instructions on how to use software I compiled for Pocket PC devices. Its name is PP Mixer. The name derives from Partial Pressure for PP and Mixer from mixing gasses to get homogeneous mixture ready for breathing under water. The software I compiled is taking in account temperature and compressibility of gasses. When talking about this two factors being included in calculations, we talk about real gas computation. The formula used for real gas computation in PP Mixer is Beattie-Bridgman equation of state.
One was a sort of manual or better instructions on how to use software I compiled for Pocket PC devices. Its name is PP Mixer. The name derives from Partial Pressure for PP and Mixer from mixing gasses to get homogeneous mixture ready for breathing under water. The software I compiled is taking in account temperature and compressibility of gasses. When talking about this two factors being included in calculations, we talk about real gas computation. The formula used for real gas computation in PP Mixer is Beattie-Bridgman equation of state.
The program can be downloaded at my modest website Divers SI where the short instructions (still not completely finished) on use of the program are available.
It was quite of a challenge for me to compile the "PP Mixer" as when starting, I did not know anything about real gas computation. Slowly I learned about the gas constants, Kelvin degrees of temperature, relations between ATA, Bar, PSI and other pressure units, Van Der Walls computation of state and others. Finally today I can say I managed to put together a useful tool for technical oriented divers which are mixing - blending their gases themselves.
The program is available as a freeware for everyone.
The tools I used to compile the program are a set of tools called eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 - 2002 Edition and the specific tool I used is eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0.